Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Hello all! Last night a dear family member gave us a brand new iPad as a gift and I could not be more excited!!! I have been looking into the iPads for a while but wasn't sure about the cost considering my husband and I both have iPhones. While I haven't activated it yet, I cannot wait to download some fabulous apps and movies on this thing! I found out that you can actually purchase a special case that hooks up to the back of a carseat so your kids can watch a movie in the car. GENIUS! There are so many uses and accessories for the iPad that I can now see that the price is totally worth it...if you have that money to spend. Any readers know of some great business or mommy apps, I would love your opinions! Remember, as a small business owner a tablet of any kind (as long as you do use it some for your business) is tax deductible and you can possibly claim it next year. So, look into it, because it adds some incredible portability to your business, and your life!

Even aside from the loot I've gotten while home in Georgia, this trip has been an incredible, incredible blessing for our family. We have spent some relaxing, quality time with all of our family members and got to see our dog, who didn't get to join us in Germany. When we go back to Germany on Friday I'm sure I'll be heartbroken to leave my beloved South and my family.

BUT starting next week, I will be giving you readers more and more tips on how to cultivate a successful direct sales business, while raising a family! So, stay tuned! :)

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